Understanding Your Own Cultural Perspective

1) How do you identify yourself culturally? Remember culture consists of your values, beliefs, and patterns of behavior that are passed on from generation to generation.
2) Do you feel a connection to your cultural background?
3) Do you or does anyone in your family speak a language other than English? If so, what other languages are spoken?
4) Are there rituals, traditions, or holidays that reflect your family’s heritage?
5) How does your family express affection? Do you think the way your family expresses affection influences how you express affection?
6) How do your family members communicate? Are they more likely to listen and think before speaking, or do they jump into conversation eagerly, even talking over one another?
7) Can you think of advice or sayings that guided behavior in your family?
8) What are your thoughts regarding infant feeding practices? Should the goal be for children to learn as toddlers how to independently feed themselves? Or do you believe that adults should feed babies as long as possible?
9) What do you think are appropriate discipline techniques? Should children be given time-outs, spanked, or lose privileges when they misbehave? Should parents explain their reasoning to children? Why or why not?
10) How does your childhood experiences regarding discipline techniques influence your beliefs?
11) What behaviors are acceptable for girls? For boys?
12) How do you feel about Gay and Lesbian families? Bi-racial or multi-racial families? Do you think your feelings are influenced by your cultural values and beliefs?
13) Have you ever felt uncomfortable or surprised when you were traveling or among another cultural group? What was the situation? Perhaps you felt that people invaded your personal space? Or weren’t respectful?
14) Have you ever done or said something that was culturally inappropriate? Did your behavior embarrass or offend other people?
15) Based on your reflections, are there any potential biases about children, families, cultures or other issues you think you may have to reflect upon and overcome to be an effective early childhood educator or professional? If so, how do you plan to do this?

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