User and Group Management


Within both Linux and Windows environments, create 10 user accounts. You may use any name that comes to mind, but remember to be appropriate.
1. Look at your existing corporation. Create 10 user groups (both Linux and Windows – at least one user account per group) appropriate for the needs of this company. Note: Most companies have groups of people performing standard tasks such as HR, Payroll, Accounting, Management, Administration, etc. Many companies have additional specialized groups such as Engineering, Design, Manufacturing, Sales, Training, etc.
2. Use PowerShell to import user accounts according to the names listed in “ITT-121 User Names Resource.” Check with your instructor for additional guidance on this project.
3. In addition to the above applicable user groups, create an IT user group.
4. Create at least one alternative account that has administrative or super user privileges. Ensure that this account belongs to the IT user group, as well as any other built-in administrator groups.
5. As you go, take instructional notes and screenshots that will help to reproduce your process. Submit these notes as proof of completion.




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