Uses of Memo

Write and post a critique that answers the following questions. Please number your paragraphs
and develop your response completely to earn full points. Aim for at least 250 words in your post. Please
use the textbook or other course resources to explain your critiques.

  1. Is memo format correctly used? What’s missing?
  2. Is this subject line informative? What would a better subject line be?
  3. How could you-attitude be improved in the message? Provide specific examples of poor you-attitude and
    specific examples of how you would improve the message.
  4. Does this message include a clear purpose and summary along with discussion and conclusions, as
    outlined by MacRae? How could order be improved in the message?
  5. This memo does not include ali of the information that readers would need. If you received this message,
    what other information might you need?
  6. This memo is relatively short, but would it benefit from the use of any design elements like lists,
    emphasis options (bolding or italics), or changes in font color? Why or why not? Design elements shouldn’t
    be used arbitrarily, so is there any text worthy of extra emphasis?

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