Using Statistics Applied to Empirical Data to Test a Hypothesis


Provide a brief statement on the topic explored, including the variables selected from
the dataset.
Statement of the Problem: Provide a general explanation/overview of the problem or issue to study with the
Purpose Statement: Provide a purpose statement for the study’s goal(s).
Literature Review: Write a brief literature review with 10-12 peer-reviewed journal articles supporting the
logical basis for your research inquiry. This is an abbreviated literature review, but it should have enough
information to support the problem, and purpose of the study, and justify your selection of variables to be
Research Question(s) and Hypothesis: Provide your research question(s) and hypothesis.
Data Analysis Procedures: State the specific statistical test(s) performed, with a rationale.
Results Section: The results section will include:
Descriptive Results: Provide demographic and descriptive data that elucidate the nature of the sample used. This
section analyzes for outliers, constructs appropriate APA data tables and representative graphs/charts, and then
qualitatively describes said data. Choose a minimum of two variables for this section. (All variables that are
described should be analyzed, and all variables analyzed should be described.)
Inferential Results: Provide the inferential results from testing your research question (correlation, regression, ttest, etc.) in APA 7. (Do not simply cut and paste your SPSS output file in the body of your paper.)
Interpretation of Results: Write a qualitative description based on the data obtained from your analysis. This
description will include the assumptions you tested for each appropriate statistical method, the statistical results,

What do the results mean? Is your hypothesis confirmed or not? If not, what changes (hypotheses,
methods, variables) are needed to continue the research?
Conclusion: What is the significance of the findings? What are the future directions for this research?



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