In a neonatal intensive care unit, expensive resources are being used to treat a critically ill baby with little
chance of survival. A utilitarian approach supports the withdrawal of this treatment if these resources can
then be distributed more widely, thereby increasing overall benefit. The individual baby may suffer as a result
of this action. but overall benefit will be maximised if other babies, with a greater chance of survival. are
Is a utilitarian approach justified in this case? If yes, why? If not, why not? please argue against utilitarian
approach in this situation.
A potential murderer comes to your door demanding to know the whereabouts of his intended victim. If you
can convince him that the person (who is hiding in the loft) left the country last week, you might save their
life. In this instance, the application of a hierarchy of rules (saving a life outweighs telling a lie) may be
considered morally acceptable by the deontologist.
We are taught from an early age that telling a lie is ‘wrong’. On what grounds do you believe that deliberately
breaking such a ‘moral rule“ is justified? Discuss your understanding of deontology and rules