Valence Issues & Retrospective Voting




Choose an approach to voting behavior that we have studied this semester (to review, I’ve included a partial list below). Which of these approaches, if any, do you think will be most important to understanding elections in the 2020s (the 2024 and 2028 presidential elections, for example?) Which might be least useful?

•Party ID/ “Normal Vote”
•Ideology & Spatial Positioning
•Valence Issues & Retrospective Voting
•The “John Q. Public” Model & Heuristic Decision making
•Group Loyalties & Social Context
•Motivated Reasoning
•Single-Issue Voting
•SES and “civic skills”
•Group mobilization
•Electoral Institutional Pressures
•Voter Suppression & Targeted Mobilization
•Campaigns & Political Advertising
•Polarized Appeals & Negative Partisanship
•Party Systems
•Realignments/Punctuated Equilibriums
•Candidate Selection & Image




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