Vase paintings

QUESTION ONE: Primary Sources and Maps (you will select THREE of these to address in your main discussion post)
Map of the city center:
Map of the Delian League/Athenian Empire:
The Parthenon and Statue of Athena Parthenos:
Athenian Coinage:
Vase paintings:
Tribute Lists: (example of what one of these looked like) (translation of the Tribute List from the year 454/3 BC)
War Casualty Lists:
Instructions for your main post: During the fifth century BC, Athens and Sparta were arguably the two most
powerful Greek poleis (city-states). But while few primary sources survive from Sparta, the Athenians’ love of
public documentation in a variety of media has left us with an abundance of written and archaeological
sources. Using at least THREE of the material sources above, write a 2-3 paragraph main post describing your
reaction to the city of Athens and your experience living in the city or visiting it from the perspective of ONE of
the following individuals:
A leading Athenian statesman (you can be Pericles himself, if you’d like!)
A merchant who is an Athenian citizen
A merchant who is a citizen of another Greek city-state, and is visiting Athens for business
A poor Athenian resident
A foreign vase-painter living and practicing his trade in Athens
An Athenian citizen’s wife
A slave of an Athenian citizen
An Athenian farmer living in one of the villages outside the city walls
A confused Spartan citizen in town for a diplomatic mission
QUESTION TWO: The traditional Roman religion was a polytheistic religion, centered around the worship of a
multitude of gods, each of whom fulfilled a particular function (e.g., harvest, childbirth, war, women’s crafts, the
Roman sewage system, etc.). The Romans believed that the success of their city was entirely due to “pax
deorum” — peace with the gods, which meant that as long as the Romans honored their gods and sacrificed to
them regularly, their city and empire would prosper. A new monotheistic religion, however, began to challenge
the traditional Roman religion in the mid-first century CE and beyond — Christianity.
Choose one of the Roman gods from their pantheon, and describe how he or she was worshiped, including
rituals and festivals associated with this deity. Include images (if available) of temples and shrines dedicated to
this god, and the benefits Romans believed were derived from this worship.
Next, discuss how Christianity challenged and offered a viable alternative to traditional Roman paganism.
Include in your post the elements of Christianity that might have been appealing to the average Roman, and
those aspects that would ultimately lead to Christianity’s acceptance as the de facto “faith” of the Roman
Sources on early Christian beliefs:
The Gospel of Mark (any translation)
1 Corinthians (
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Philippians (
Selection from Romans:
Selection from Galatians:
Sources on traditional Roman religion and Roman perspectives on the Christians:
Pliny and Trajan’s letter exchange:
Ritual cannibalism charge against Christians:
Description of several Roman religious rituals:
Other websites on the Roman gods
List of the gods with some explanation:
Another list of gods:

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