Filipinos are known to be very intrigued into video games, A million-dollar industry world wide. However, the games they make often miss out on such opportunities in getting big and noticed due to certain factors . The purpose of this study is to uncover these underlying issues and aims to find solutions to overcome these type of problems that have paved the way for the video game industry in the Philippines and find out what makes a video game in the Philippines successful and what makes it not. Since many game designers have emerged in the Philippines, the researchers plan on conducting an interview with expert game developers . In conclusion, the research will establish a ground standard for most Filipinos to venture on when it comes to the quality of video games.That being said, the aspect of embracing all arrays of video games has made an assurance that Filipino game designers are going to be more vigilant in terms of the quality of video games it will be producing in the future.
Keywords: Video Games, Software developers, Entertainment industry.


Research Questions:

? What are the factors that affects the marketing trends of the Filipino game industries?
? What are the factors to consider in making a top game?
? What are the perspectives of game developers in the future of game development in the Phili

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