Delete instructions once you have completed the assignment.
1. Select any of the videos in the Blackboard module and/or Connect.
2. You must watch a total of 15 hours of video time.
3. For each video you will need to cite the source and indicate the viewing time of the video (how long the video was). Keep track of your time on the table provided.
4. Write a two-paragraph response to each video you selected to view.
a. The first paragraph is on what you learned from the video.
b. The second paragraph is how you will this be useful to your teaching in the future.
5. The Reflective Summary should be done after you have completed your 15 hours. It should be a 1-page narrative of what you have learned. Feel free to use the following guiding questions:
a. What did you THINK (how you interpret/make sense of) about what you see?
b. What questions arise from your observations?
c. How did your observations impact your ideas about teaching?
d. How did what you observed compare to what you learned throughout the semester (cite specific theories or information from the course)?
6. Put all your videos and responses in one document and upload it to Blackboard.
Complete this table in order to calculate your viewing time. Add more rows to the table if you need to view more videos to meet the 15-hour requirement.
Title of Video Video Length
Follow the following outline for the assignment. Add more sections if you need to view more videos to get to your 15 hours requirement. Delete these instructions before submitting your assignment.
Video Observation #1
Title of Video:
Video link/Source:
Duration/Length of the Video
Summary (2 paragraphs):
Video Observation #2
Title of Video:
Video link/Source:
Duration/Length of the Video
Summary (2 paragraphs):
Video Observation #3
Title of Video:
Video link/Source:
Duration/Length of the Video
Summary (2 paragraphs):
Video Observation #4
Title of Video:
Video link/Source:
Duration/Length of the Video
Summary (2 paragraphs):
Video Observation #5
Title of Video:
Video link/Source:
Duration/Length of the Video
Summary (2 paragraphs):
Video Observation #6
Title of Video:
Video link/Source:
Duration/Length of the Video
Summary (2 paragraphs):
Video Observation #7
Title of Video:
Video link/Source:
Duration/Length of the Video
Summary (2 paragraphs):
Video Observation #8
Title of Video:
Video link/Source:
Duration/Length of the Video
Summary (2 paragraphs):
Video Observation #9
Title of Video:
Video link/Source:
Duration/Length of the Video
Summary (2 paragraphs):
Reflective Summary
Type your reflective summary here. Delete instructions.