Visually Pers Viewer

Prepare and evaluate the use of media visuals to improve persuasive and marketing communication.
You are a visual communication expert for a company that creates and maintains websites for large businesses a
organizations. They called a meeting a few days ago to bring various departments together for a “think tank” sess
goal of this session was to update the images and visual elements on the website of your newest client: a large m
facility’s website. Currently, they are using the same website images across all websites in the following American
New York City, Miami, Phoenix, and Denver.
As the meeting progressed, several people posed several situational conversations. You took careful notes during
meeting, and as you review them at home, you decide to create a video to address all the issues discussed.
In less than seven minutes, your video will outline the importance of using cultural familiarity, perspective framing
emotional appeal in order to visually persuade viewers in all of these different locations. For clarity, you decide to
specific visual images and examples that could replace current website images for each situation. During the vide
plan to include audio explanations to prove your points to the other “think tank” members.
You review the situational conversation notes:
Carol asks: “Why can’t we just use the same images that are already being used for all the different locations? All
images of the medical staff look American enough.”
Daniel states: “Let’s use images of families in all of the images that scroll through the main website page. That wi
everyone’s eye-everyone has a family somewhere.”
Caleb questions: “The pictures we use should all be outdoors and of people having fun. Isn’t that what all patients
see when they visit the medical facilities website?”
Heather states: “Maybe we should think like the potential patients that might visit this website. What would those
want to see regarding this facility?”
Samuel asks: “How can we use images to get people to feel like they will get better, or experience a miracle, or re
better treatment here than at some other facility?”

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