WAN is the core component to your network


WAN is the core component to your network, as it encompasses all your local area networks (LANs) and all needed network infrastructures such as routers, switches, and servers.

For this assessment, prepare a project document that includes the following:

Create a diagram that will:
Display the basic topology for your selected organization. Be sure you include routers, switches, and all of the basic network connection hardware.
Diagram your IP addresses. Calculate and add your IP ranges and subnets into your diagram.
Explain the switching and routing choices, topology choice, and overall wired infrastructure decisions.
Explain the strategy you used for assigning IP addresses for the organization. Why did you choose the IP addresses that you did?
Describe IP addressing strategies for maintaining privacy on a network. How do your strategies maintain privacy on your network?
Describe at least three networks addressing or topology standards that influenced your network design.


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