Water Sources/ Land & Soil


Each topic needs to be a minimum of 250 words. Students should submit each topic together but on separate pages.

Water sources

Federal laws control water use, prevent misuse, and preserve certain water areas and habitat in ways that address the different dynamics of groundwater, aquifers, runoff, and irrigation.
Your assignment for this unit is to write a micro-essay of at least 250 words that discusses the sources of water pollution and if more restrictions/regulations should be posed on those industries/countries that contribute most to the water pollution? If so, propose some regulations that can reduce water pollution and discuss how can we re-enforce such restrictions/regulations?

Land & Soil

“The development and implementation of land-use plans and citizen involvement influences land usage, such as recreational, agricultural, waste disposal, and other ways land is used. This impacts soil formation and erosion.”

In this unit, you will write about the sources of soil pollution in a micro-essay of at least 250 words. You should discuss alternative ways of farming and if that would be an answer to reduction of land lost due to farming as well as a solution to food shortage in some countries.

Immigration, Population and the Environment

Your assignment is to write a micro-essay of at least 250 words using your reading and the web links in Population unit. This is your topic for the article:

You read that immigration is one of the factors contributing to high increase in population. In this assignment, based on your role, argue whether or not the U.S should prevent further immigration from other countries. (Please do not include illegal immigration in this discussion.) Use concepts such as limiting factors, population growth curve, and density dependent/independent factors to support your argument.

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