We Should Tax The Rich More

Select an issue and take a stand on it (position). (It could be a controversial issue of your choosing, please check with me) to present and to argue before the class. An example would be: “Driving while using a cell phone is a danger to society” or “More tax money should be available to community college” or “I believe_(topic/position)_ and here are the reasons why.” Make a major claim – affirmative or negative– in your speech. The claim is your opinion, major idea, or POSITION on an issue or proposition. You are to support your claim with at least 3 reasons or arguments and support them with examples, statistics, expert opinion, or other evidence and proof. The reasons or arguments need to be numbered for the audience and presented in simple sentences, such as, “First, some people can’t drive and talk on the phone at the same time.” Then provide support for this reason or argument – the “grounds” or justification by using evidence and proof. Each reason or argument is to be supported by evidence and proof to substantiate your overall claim – for or against (pro or con) — your POSITION/STAND. Have an introduction and a conclusion section. Use the model of the full-content outline handed out and reviewed thoroughly in class for developing your POSITION Presentation outline. Your full-content outline is to be 2-pages in length and turned in separately for evaluation and grading. You may use a copy of your outline in presenting your POSITION/STAND Speech. There are 100 points available to be earned for the POSITION speech.”

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