Wellness and wellbeing

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Draw Up an Essay Plan and Write an Introduction to Wellness and Wellbeing Essay
Part A: Essay Plan
• Wellbeing and wellness are the motives of every parent for their children as they grow up.
• Several factors may influence parents as well as any concerned party towards attaining the wellness of given kids as they develop to teenagers.
• The essay discusses the understanding if wellness and well-being and factors that influence child’s attainment of wellness.
• Additionally, the essay seeks to state how childhood programs support children and families towards improving wellbeing about three issues
Body: 1st paragraph
Topic sentence
• Wellbeing brings a more understanding of health beyond the just physical part of it.
• Wellbeing is inclusive of mental health as well as the psychological and mental health of a person.
• Wellness on the other hand revolves around physical health of a child.
• For instance, wellness involves one’s awareness and having to make a choice on how to make a healthy life from any disease.
2nd paragraph
Topic sentence
• A child’s mental development calls for a proper nurturing surrounding by the parents aiming at the long-term positive outcomes.
• Brain development helps to avoid any mental disability that a given kid may associate with in the long run. (Rao, 2016).
3rd Paragraph
Topic sentence
• Social and media aspects may as well drive the need for attaining child’s wellness
• Social elements may include physical environment and social relationships that a child has. (Swist et al. 2015). For instance, physical environment involving the housing activities, recreational space among others

3rd paragraph
Topic sentence
• Language and development of a kid speech can as well motivate a parent towards concentrating on the wellbeing of given kid.
• The aim is to help avoid delay in the developing speech which may end up affecting the young one even once they start schooling.( Bishop and Leonard, 2014).
4th paragraph
Topic sentence
• There may be the program the will help both children and the families in improving the wellbeing of mental development, development of speech, and social relations.
• For example, in mental development, the families of a given infant may seek healthcare programs that will maintain check up and take necessary actions needed.
• Wellbeing and wellness aim at providing a long-lasting healthy lifestyle to a child as they develop to teenagers.
Part B: Introduction to wellbeing and wellness essay
Wellness and wellbeing are the primary aims of any given mother to their kids. Kids may face different challenges as they grow up. Growing up, some children develop some problems related to, e.g., mental health, physical health among other. The problem is always associated with negligence of the caregivers to the young ones as they grow up. Therefore, the parents need the awareness on what to do to promote the wellbeing and wellness. The challenges can either come as a result of environmental factors, genetic, physical or even social factors. As an illustration, the ecological factors may associate with where a kid grows to teenage which will have a significant impact on the wellbeing as well as wellness. There may be issues that will bring motivation towards bringing wellness to children as they grow up. The problems have a negative impact on a kid’s health if not addressed early enough by the families. The essay will discuss three factors namely, child’s mental development, social elements as well as media aspect, and speech development of a child.

Bishop, D. V., & Leonard, L. (Eds.). (2014). Speech and language impairments in children: Causes, characteristics, intervention, and outcome. Psychology Press.
Rao, M. (2016). Brain development: Neuro-behavioral perspectives in developmental disabilities.
Swist, T., Collin, P., McCormack, J., & Third, A. (2015). Social media and the wellbeing of children and young people: A literature review.

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