What are the main principles in the US Constitution?


Short Paper The Constitution lies at the heart of both America’s historical greatness and its uniqueness. The writing and ratification of the U.S. Constitution became a significant moment in Western civilization. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to identify and explain the main principles in the Constitution. Your paper must address the following 3 questions: 1) What are the main principles in the US Constitution? Explain and discuss each principle fully. 2) How do the principles relate to each other? 3) What are the goals of these principles? In your paper try to recognize the following: • Articulate the transcendent principles contained within the Constitution. • Connect limited government to the blessings of liberty. • Discuss the significance of limited government and federalism, connecting both to individual liberty. • Explain the connection between America’s constitutional structure, its historic uniqueness, and its unparalleled greatness. • Connect America’s constitutional principles to specific common good, societal goals. ?***This paper must be in Turabian style***??This paper requires an introduction that provided excellent background on the topic and clearly previews major points. ??The paper includes title page and 3 full pages of content. The paper is laid out effectively and uses reader-friendly aides (e.g., section summaries, tables of contents, indices, appendices, etc.) when appropriate. ??***The paper requires at least one scripture quite from the Bible. The instructor is looking for the paper to be written from a Christian perspective***??This paper requires at least 6 references, three of the low tier references need to be from the textbook readings below (see which chapter to pull from): ??James McClellan book Liberty, Order, and Justice ??James Eidsmoe book Christianity and the Constitution (Chapter 4)??Donald S. Lutz book The Origins of American Constitution (Chapters 10-12)??Please choose three more references that you base the bulk of your paper.

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