What Do Americans Want?

In this discussion assignment, you will compare notes with your colleagues about where the U.S. is and where we are going in regard to health care policy. As you might suspect, even among health care professionals, there is a huge range of opinions.
Word Count: 200
After reading the polls information in this lesson, prepare a post summarizing American attitude about who should pay for health care as expressed over the years covered by these articles. Be sure to explain why you think these attitudes exist. From your perspective as a health leader, explain in a few sentences what advice you would give those who are making health policy.

Learning Materials

Read the following article:
Blendon, R.J. & Benson, J.M. (2001). Americans’ views on health policy: A fifty-year historical perspective.Health Affairs, 20. Retrieved from http://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/pdf/10.1377/hlthaff.20.2.33
This interesting article, published in 2001, looks at public opinion about health and health care over the preceding 50 years. A bonus of the article’s main purpose is to give us a quick and dirty review of health care policy over that time. Seeing where we’ve been provides context for where we may want to go.
Public Opinion and Health Care Policy
Deane, C. (2011). Public opinion and health care policy [Slide presentation]. Retrieved from http://kff.org/interactive/public-opinion-and-health-care-policy-tutorial/
This Kaiser Family Foundation video summarizes recent opinion about health care that may influence health policy deliberations.
Kurtzleben, D. (2017). Americans don’t want Senate’s health care plan, but it’s unclear what they do want. Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/2017/07/10/536007571/americans-dont-want-senates-health-care-plan-but-its-unclear-what-they-do-want
This recent survey provides a view of current public health care desires.

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