what motivates you at work

Discussion (1)
Discussion topic: Think of a time when you faced a problem at work and needed help or advice from your boss. (This could even be a current problem.) Post your response to the following questions and comment on the response of at least one of your peers.
Q (1): What was or is the problem?
Q (2): How did you resolve it, or what would be an ideal outcome?
Q (3): What type of strategy/solutions could you have outlined and reviewed with your boss?

Discussion (2)
Discussion topic: Think about what motivates you at work. Compare and contrast what motivates you with what motivates your staff, based on the activity (interview) you completed. Prepare a list to share with your classmates through your responses to the following questions:
Q (1): What are you looking for from the work that you do?
Q (2): Do you think these are the same things that motivate your staff? Why or why not?
Q (3): What basic things do you think motivate all people, regardless of job, salary, age, or level of education?

This question has been answered.

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