When Does Life Begin?

When Does Life Begin?

The post comprises two asighnments

1:When Does Life Begin?

When do you believe life begins? Is it at conception when the zygote has its own unique DNA and its sex is already determined? Is it during the embryonic period when
its heart begins beating and by the end of this period all organs are present in at least their rudimentary forms? Is it early in the fetal period, when the fetus
becomes active, moving his or her arms, legs, mouth, and head? Is it at the age of viability? How does your position on when life begins impact your position on
abortion? How does your position on when life begins impact your position on whether a woman should be prosecuted for abusing drugs or alcohol during pregnancy? How
does your position on when life begins impact your position on whether a person who murders a pregnant woman should be prosecuted for one or two murders?

2: Fallout from the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS)

After the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decision legalizing same sex marriage, there was interesting “fall out” (as described by the press) related to
the decision. Information on the decision can be found here:

Obergefell v. Hodges

read the Supreme Court decision (and some of the commentary) and then research the “fallout” actions that came after.
Then, write a short reaction to the fall out. Is the action justified when you compare it with the Supreme Court decision? For example, did the Clerk have the “right”
to do what she is doing? What about the Judges that are banning wedding ceremonies? Do States have the “right” to ignore the Supreme Court decision as alleged by
Presidential candidates? And any other questions you find interesting to consider on this topic.
For example, there was a meme going around social media about how “Ms. Davis not following the decision could not be considered breaking the law, because if one reads
the constitution, the courts don’t make law – only congress does. So, we all need to reconsider whether she broke the law.” Is this true? Is a court decision not law?
Another interesting action that came with the Ms. Davis events was that a presidential candidate volunteered to go to jail for her — — interesting concept. Could
that happen?
FOCUS on the law. Stay away from political, divisive, or political comments. Just discuss the law and logic as a reasonable adult, removing emotion from your legal
arguments.incorporate your personal and professional experiences

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