“When I was Puerto Rican” By Esmeralda Santiago

.) Each chapter in When I Was Puerto Rican begins with a quotation in Spanish that is then translated into English. Select one or a series of chapters and analyze the significance of the quotation(s), tracing how it/they manifests itself/themselves throughout the chapter(s). Your essay should be from 3 to 5 pages, 750-1250 words. The color of the letters should be black and font, Times New Roman, 12 pt. Please double-space your essay. Claims should be well-reasoned and supported, engaging and insightful, deep and compelling. Your essay should have an inviting introduction and a satisfying conclusion with strong and varied sentence structure. Grammar and usage should contribute to the overall meaning of the piece. Please limit your quotations to no more than 10% of the entire essay, with your voice driving the essay. Cite all sources using MLA format correctly. Your essay will be evaluated in terms of content (the thoughts, ideas, reasoning, logic, and originality of the piece), organization (the internal structure of the piece), style (the way the words and phrases flow throughout the text), grammar (the grammatical correctness of the piece), and MLA format (the correct and full documentation of the sources in the work). Each of the criteria evaluated will be worth 20 points for a 100 point total. The Book ‘When I was Puerto Rican By Esmeralda Santiago. It has t be used for the paper

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