“Whistleblowing and Company Loyalty” by Ronald Duska

After reading “Whistleblowing and Company Loyalty” by Ronald Duska, (starting on page 99 in HW), please write an essay in response to the following questions: What position regarding company loyalty does Duska defend? What are the three conceptions of loyalty that the author considers? Why does he reject the “Social Atomist” view of loyalty? Yet, why does Duska also believe that companies are not the type of entities that can *be* the objects of loyally? Lastly, in one final paragraph please state whether you agree with the authors conclusion. In your view, would the “Atomist” or the “Idealist’ view of company loyalty make more sense? Please remember to include two direct quotations from the text with page references. Also, be sure to follow the standards set out in the “Guidelines for Written Assignments.”

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