Why Albania and North Macedonia should enter the EU


You are a foreign policy advisor in the office of the French President. The President is having some second thoughts about his decision to block opening accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia given the reaction from some other European Union member states and the negative comments in the media.
You are asked to write a 2000-2500 word (inclusive of notes but not bibliography) research analysis for the President. You have three choices and you present only one.
” Explain why the President’s decision is the wrong one.
” Explain why the President’s decision is the right one.
” Explain why the President is partly right and partly wrong.
This is NOT an op-ed!!! Do NOT write an OP-ED. It is closer to a research paper as you have to back up your position with serious research from good media and academic sources.
Use 7 – 10 sources.
This is both a big picture and small picture exercise as you need to demonstrate wider awareness of the issues facing the Western Balkans, the enlargement process and some familiarity with the issues specific to Albania and North Macedonia. How you approach the essay is otherwise up to you.
Specifics again:
2000-2500 words – notes included, not a bibliography.
7-10 SERIOUS sources that include academic sources.

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