Why we should not take back ISIS fighters to the USA

Analyze a current event by considering the material covered in the class. Every single event about terrorism may have different structure and relevance to terrorism. Therefore, I refrained from giving one size fits all instructions, instead provided a general case study framework. Doing the assignment you can follow the outline and questions provided below as a guide.

  1. Summary
    Summarize the case. What happened? Who are the perpetrators, victims, parties involved, etc? Include information about timeline, place, and casualties if any.
  2. Key issues
    Analyze the case according to the course content. What is the motivation or ideology? Under which category the organization falls; such as ethnic, nationalistic, separatist, revolutionary, counterrevolutionary, jihadist, etc? What kind of tactics and force multipliers does the organization or individual attacker use? What is the message sent by the terrorists in the case? Is there any information about the funding of the terrorist group or a terrorist? How are they being radicalized? What were the consequences of the attack/case? Any local/global impacts? What are the key problems/main issues you identified as a result of your analysis? Are there any new emerging issues?
  3. Policy implications
    How was the response to the incident by the authorities? What are your recommendations or alternative solutions? What are the counterterrorism strategies that can be applied for a solution?
    If you like you can include additional key issues in the analysis section. The questions provided above may not be applicable to all cases and may vary according to each respective case. So you can ask additional applicable questions from the course content for your analysis.
    Written paper should include an analysis of current event/terrorism incident with the guidance of the above outline and questions as much as possible. The presentation should be based on presenting the main points of the paper within the 5-6 minutes time limit.

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