Wizard of Oz planning

Tin Man
In the film, The Wizard of Oz, the client appears pale and rusty. His skin colour is greyish. He is alert and oriented. After being rained on, his joints became stuck from rust, and stiff due to prolonged immobility. He says he cannot move since he got rusted long time while cutting trees with axe. His voice was muffled until his mouth was lubricated. He is bald. He walks stiffly since there is limited joint movement. His was in an upright position. However, he felt better after oil was used to mobilize these joints. According to this client, he states that he has a problem since he does not have a heart. That is why when his chest is banged, it echoes inside. He believes that once he gets a heart, he will be able to act more like a human and be kind and caring to those he likes (Treas et al., 2018). Therefore, not having a heart seems to be a problem that is currently impacting his wellbeing.
The Scarecrow
The Scarecrow is a character whose skin is white in color and rugged. His nose is red, which is what makes him appear more like a clown. He has a clear voice but seem confused. He makes uncoordinated movement. He rarely concentrates. He walks with his back bent forward, and makes sudden movements, unlike a normal human being. Client does not seem to be totally aware of his surrounding therefore, questions everything which is why he never seems to understand anything that is communicated to him (Treas et al., 2018). Client cannot give definite answers. His hair is mostly hidden under the cap that he has on. However, from the part that is visible, one can easily tell that it is unkempt as it sticks to his head. It does not seem like any other human hair. According to this character, client states that he needs brains to become perfect. That is why he is on the journey to seek the Wizard of Oz.
The Lion
In the Wizard of Oz, the Lion is a hairy being that walks on two legs unlike other Lions. His skin color is brown even tone, including the face. Client is alert and oriented. With paws instead of palms and legs, one can easily tell what creature it represents. Instead of walking like other human beings, the Lion hops from one place to the other. From the hair on his body, it is difficult to see his joints, but he has normal movement of joints. However, the face has whiskers and the ears are located at the top of his head. He has no mobility issues. Character states he lacks courage which would make him function properly as a lion (Treas et al., 2018). He is easily scared, even by his own imagination. He exhibits signs of anxiety.
The Wicked Witch of the West
In the movie, the wicked witch’s face and body is green in color. The posture is a bit crooked and she does not walk straight. She is alert and oriented. She has a normal joint movement. This character’s face is creepy since the eyes wink at different times. The fingers are curved, and longer than expected. She has an angry voice with a clear tone. She seems unpleasant and always angry. She has dry cracked hair. This character got killed by Dorothy unexpectedly when she poured water on her. This makes her melt just as she was planning to kill Dorothy and her friends.

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