Workforce Analysis



For this discussion question, review the scenario presented in the Vila Health: Human Resources multimedia piece.

The operating room (OR) at your hospital has seen an increase in surgical cases. As a result of the increase, the OR schedule is unable to accommodate new elective cases for approximately two months. To accommodate patient demands and not lose business, the nurse manager would like to open two additional operating suites; however, due to lack of staff, she is unable to do so. For your initial response to the discussion, respond to the following:

What information does the nurse manager need to conduct an analysis of the current workforce?
Once all information is obtained, how will the nurse manager create a business case for the staffing need? One approach would be to return on investment versus the cost to staff.
Finally, discuss the implications of not anticipating future needs of the organization, addressing the patient demand on the organization, the need for additional services, and staffing. Support your response with findings from the literature.



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