Workplace Issues

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: African American
Position: Intern
Problem: “I’ve only been with this company for a few months but I notice the whispers, and the inappropriate comments about my body and unwanted advances from the males. I just started here and I don’t want to leave but I just want to be comfortable at work”
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Pacific Islander
Position: Co-Manager
Problem: “I am a co-office manager. I have been with this company for a while and I show everyone the same respect. However, people don’t listen to me as much as they listen to Glenn. It’s really becoming annoying.”
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Position: Secretary
Problem: “I have worked at this company for 2 years and I’m great at my job. However, I’ve heard some people say that men shouldn’t be in this position. I’m tired of them thinking that this job should just be for a woman”.
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Position: Co- Manager
Problem: “I don’t know why some people bring their personal life into the work area. I especially don’t understand why a woman would wear suits and ties like a man. I don’t understand why a woman would want to be a man. She was born as a female.”

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Position: Sales Representative
Problem: “Some women in my office are jealous because I got promoted. They blame it on gender. They think I got promoted because I’m a man. It has nothing to do with gender. They don’t see that I worked extra weekends and put in late nights for my promotion.”

Age: 29
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
Position: Sales Representative
Problem: “I’m annoyed that Louis just received a promotion before me. I was hired four months before him. I smile every day and I’m nice to everyone and I work hard. He doesn’t deserve that promotion”.
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
Position: Customer Service Supervisor
Problem: “I know that Jaime is the manager but it is hard for me to take orders from a woman. Women need to be at home taking care of the household and not at work. I usually just take my tasks from Glenn and ignore her”.
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Creole
Position: Customer Service Supervisor
Problem: “I think the women in this office get special privileges that the men don’t. They get to come in late sometimes or leave early because of their kids. They also get to complain in public. Men don’t get to do those things”.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Asian
Position: Finance Lead
Problem: “I have saved this company over $500,000. I work hard to stay within the company’s budget and I am always 100% on time with our finance reports. I feel like people in the office often second and third guess my decisions because I’m a female lead”.
Age: 23
Gender: Identifies as a male
Ethnicity: African American
Position: Customer Service Representative
Problem: “I identify as a male. I am currently taking steroids to help me transition to become a male. Some people in my office don’t approve of the way I live my life. I really wish people would understand that my gender identity is something that I did not choose. “
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Position: Finance Representative
Problem: “Ever since my fiancé’ Travis dropped me off at work last month the men here have been treating me different. I was invited for the Friday night drinks after work before but now that they know I’m gay no one ever asks me. Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean that I want to hit on them”.
Age: 59
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: African American
Position: Regional Manager
Problem: “I don’t know how to deal with the women in this office. They always seem to be emotional and have problems. The men are much better to deal with. I don’t want to step on any toes so I just let the women do whatever they want.

Session One

Title: Sexual Harassment
Objective: Define sexual harassment, describe behaviors that can be defined as sexual harassment. Discuss the impacts on the victims and the workplace. Discuss how to eliminate the actions and make everyone comfortable.
Problem: Salandria is upset because of the unwanted advances and inappropriate comments that she receives from her male co-workers.

Session Two

Title: Glass Escalator
Objective: Define the term glass escalator and discuss the impacts it can have on the workplace. Discuss how it can affect careers and figure out how to solve the issue.
Problem: Emily is upset that Louis was promoted over her even though she has been at the company four months longer than him. She feels she wasn’t selected because she is a woman.

Session Three:

Title: Role Incongruity
Objective: Define role incongruity and how it relates to the workplace. Discuss the impact is has on the employees and the workplace.
Problem: MiaLynn doesn’t feel she’s being respected in her position. She also feels like her decisions are put under a microscope because she is a woman.

Session Four

Title: Gender in the Workplace
Objective: Define the terms, gender identity, sexual orientation, and transgender. Discuss the differences between male and female.
Problem: Glenn doesn’t understand Dee’s choice to transition to become a male. Daniel is upset because he is left out of social gatherings since his co-workers found out he is gay.

Session Five

Title: Gender Stereotypes
Objective: Discuss gender stereotypes and the impact they have on employees in the workplace.
Problem: Terrance is upset because the other workers make remarks that his secretary position is only for women. Abdul feels like he can’t take orders from Jaime because he feels women should be at home and not working.

Session Six

Title: Gender Inequality
Objective: Define gender inequality. Discuss the behaviors and disadvantages of different genders in the workplace. Discuss how the differences between women and men can have an impact on the workplace.
Problem: Chinedu is upset because he feels the women get to report to work late and get off early because they have kids. He feels that the men don’t get the same treatment.

Session Seven

Title: Sexism/Gender Differences
Objective: Define sexism. Discuss how different cultures may view different genders. Describe the impact it can have on the workplace.
Problem: Louis thinks the women in the workplace blame his promotion on him being a man. Nathan doesn’t know how to deal with women in the workplace he thinks they are too emotional.

Session Eight

Title: Gender Discrimination
Objective: Define what gender discrimination is and discuss the impact it can have on the workplace.
Problem: Jaime feels like she isn’t respected as much as Glenn even though they are both co-managers. The employees listen to Glenn and ignore her direction.

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