Writer’s choice which related to topic


1. How has the Nara Document of Authenticity impacted on Asian archaeological
heritage management? Is authenticity still a useful concept within Asian heritage
2. it’s a cultural heritage course
3. i have post the reading about the authenticity

ARCLG275 Archaeological Heritage Management in Asia
The first session will explore the international context and practise of heritage
management. International Charters can help to define important notions of
significance, embracing both the tangible and the intangible. Critical to this, and
reflected in many of the more recent charters and conventions, are the processes of
establishing and assessing values, and using values to shape and inform management
systems and decision-making. We will explore how these international practices have
led of a number of management planning models, and the roles and impacts these
have had on Asian resource management.
A number of countries in the Asia region now have charters or principles to underpin
approaches to conserving and managing cultural heritage resources. The integrity of
heritage places and their continuing authenticity are fundamental concerns,
particularly as the notion of heritage embraces traditions and everyday places.
3.1.2 Key reading: international approaches
See introductory reading in section 1.3.2.
3.1.3 Key reading: regional responses
See introductory reading in section 1.3.1.
Agnew, N. and Demas, M. (eds) 2002. Principles for the Conservation of Heritage
Sites in China. ICOMOS China and The Getty Conservation Institute. INST ARCH
INTACH 2004. Charter for the Conservation of Unprotected Architectural Heritage
and Sites in India. New Delhi: INTACH. Available at: http://www.intach.org/aboutcharter.
Larsen, K. E (ed) 1995. Proceedings of the Nara Conference on Authenticity. Paris:
UNESCO World Heritage Centre. INST ARCH AG LAR
Silva, K. D. & Chapagain, N. K. (eds.) 2013. Asian heritage management: contexts,
concerns, and prospects. London: Routledge. INST ARCH AG SIL, also available
Online via UCL library
Taylor, K. 2004. Cultural heritage management: a possible role for charters and
principles in Asia, International Journal of Heritage Studies 10(5): 417-433
Qian, F. 2007. China’s Burra Charter: The Formation and Implementation of the
China Principles, International Journal of Heritage Studies 13(3): 255-264
UNESCO 2001. Hoi An Protocol for Best Preservation in Asia. Download at:
van Oers, R. & Roders, A.P. 2013. Road map for application of the HUL approach in
China. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development.
3(1): 4-17
Wei, C. & Aass, A. 1989. Heritage conservation: east and west, ICOMOS Information
3: 3-8
ARCLG275 Archaeological Heritage Management in Asia
3.1.4 Further reading
Agnew, N. (ed) 1997. Conservation of Ancient Sites on the Silk Road: Proceedings of
an International Conference on the Conservation of Grotto Sites, Magao Grottoes at
Dunhuang. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. INST ARCH L Qto AGN
Agnew, N. (ed) 2010. Ancient Sites on the Silk Road: Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on the Conservation of Grotto Sites, Mogao Grottoes,
Dunhuang, People’s Republic of China. Los Angeles: Getty Publications. INST
Agnew, N. and Bridgland, J. (eds) 2006. Of the Past, for the Future: Integrating
Archaeology and Conservation. Proceedings of the Conservation Theme at the 5th
World Archaeological Congress, Washington, D.C., 22-26 June 2003. Los Angles:
Getty Conservation Institute. INST ARCH LA AGN
Chen, K.-T. 2011. The protection of archaeological sites in Taiwan. Conservation and
management of archaeological sites 13(1), 58-75.
Francioni, F. & Lenzerini, F. 2008. The future of the World Heritage Convention:
problems and prospects, in Francioni, F. (ed) The 1972 World Heritage Convention:
a commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 401-410. INST ARCH AG 20
Gillman, D. 2010. The idea of cultural heritage. (2nd ed) New York: Cambridge
University Press. INST ARCH AG GIL
Jigyasu, R., Long, J., & Wisner, B. 2008. Putting Heritage on the Map: A Discussion
about Disaster Management and Cultural Heritage, Conservation. The Getty
Conservation Institute Newsletter 23(1): 10-15
Ko, J. 2008. Regional Authenticity: An Argument for Reconstruction in Oceania, APT
Bulletin 39(2/3): 55-61
Law of the People’s Republic of China on Protection of Cultural Relics, 2002.
Available at: http://english.gov.cn/laws/2005-10/09/content_75322.htm
Layton, R., Stone, P., and Thomas, J. (eds) 2001. Destruction and Conservation of
Cultural Property. Routledge. INST ARCH AG LAY
Logan, W. and Reeves, K. (eds) 2009. Places of Pain and Shame: Dealing with
‘Difficult’ Heritage. London: Routledge. INST ARCH AG LOG
McManamon, F. P. and Hatton, A. (eds) 2000. Cultural resource management in
contemporary society: perspectives on managing and presenting the past. London:
Min, Z. 2000. The administration of China’s archaeological heritage, in Cleere, H.
(ed) Archaeological heritage management in the modern world. London: Routledge,
Pai, H. I. 2000. Constructing “Korean” Origins: A Critical Review of Archaeology,
Historiography, and Racial Myth in Korean State-formation Theories. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press. INST ARCH DBLC PAI

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