Zara–Rapid Fire Fulfillment

Zara–Rapid Fire Fulfillment

The post comprises two asighnments

1:Zara–Rapid Fire Fulfillment

Explain why the company’s supply chain strategy is successful. For example, the selection and management of suppliers and determination of information needs and
What advantage does Zara gain against the competition by having a very responsive supply chain?
What advantage does the company gain from replenishing its stores multiple times a week compared to a less frequent schedule? How does the frequency of replenishment
affect the improved customer satisfaction?
What information infrastructure does Zara need in order to operate its production, distribution, and fast fashion retail network effectively?
Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document in 600–800 words. All written assignments should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

2:My Passionate

write a 1-page paper (single or double spaced) that identifies and briefly describes (explains) something for which you have a passion, and how you might
commercialize or operationalize your passion and turn it into a for-profit or not-for-profit business.

Here are the links to the articles.

Why Being Passionate About What You Do Is Extremely Dangerous

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