Translation studies

Translation studies

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1:Translation studies

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Designed and written one the following three areas ,

1. The production of multimodal content, including the translation of content produced originally in Arabic, by jihadist groups.
2. The translation of jihadist videos, understood as a linguistic and pragmatic process.
3. The production of jihadist media content as a process of self-mediation that includes translation.

references and resources to be used;

Cazdyn, Eric (2004) ‘A New Line in the Geometry’, in Atom Egoyan and Ian Balfour (eds) Subtitles: On the Foreginness of Film, Cambridge, Mass.: Massachussetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) Press & Alphabet City Media Inc., 403-419.
Desjardins, Renée (2008) ‘Inter-Semiotic Translation and Cultural Representation within the Space of the Multi-Modal Text’,TranscUlturAl 1(1): 48-58. Available online:
Littau, Karen (1997) ‘Translation in the Age of Postmodern Production: From Text to Intertext to Hypertext’, Forum for Modern Language Studies 33(1): 81-96.
Pérez-González, Luis (2014) Audiovisual Translation: Theories, Methods and Issues, London & New York: Routledge. Chapter 6: ‘Multimodality’.
Pérez-González, Luis (2014) ‘Multimodality in Translation and Interpreting Studies’, in Sandra Bermann and Catherine Porter (eds)A Companion to Translation Studies,
Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 119-131. Post-peer review draft available online:

Boellstorff, Tom (2003) ‘Dubbing Culture: Indonesian Gay and Lesbi Subjectivities and Ethnography in an Already Globalized World’, American Ethnologist 30(2):225-212.
Cronin, Michael (2003) Translation and Globalization. London & New York: Routledge. Chapter 2: ‘Globalization and new translation paradigms’.
Pérez-González, Luis (2014) Audiovisual Translation: Theories, Methods and Issues, London & New York: Routledge. Chapter 3: ‘Audiovisual translation as a site of
interventionist practice’.
Venuti, Lawrence (2008) ‘Translation, Simulacra, Resistance’, Translation Studies 1(1): 18-33.
1. Globalisation and media culture
1.1. Globalisation has become a broad and all-encompassing term that evokes images of dystopian homogeneity and benign cosmopolitanism.

1.2. Globalisation is mostly viewed as a continuing work-in-progress, rather than an already accomplished fact. However globally-linked our everyday lives may seem,
they will only become ever more so in coming years and, it is suggested, at ever greater speeds.

1.3. It has been frequently suggested that globalization has sent many contemporary modern societies into a state of national identity crisis as exposure to other
cultures increases. The transnational movement of information, texts, images, and populations is radically expanding the horizons of our imaginations.

1.4. Media culture is the material of representation. It is crucially important as a central site

Pérez-González, Luis (2014) ‘Translation and New(s) Media: Participatory Subtitling Practices in Networked Mediascapes’, in Juliane House (ed.) Translation: A
Multidisciplinary Approach, Palgrave Macmillan, 200-221. Post-peer review draft available online:
Schäffner, Christina (2012) ‘Rethinking Transediting’, Meta 57(4): 866-883. Available online:
van Leeuwen, Theo (2006) ‘Translation, Adaptation, Globalization. The Vietnam News’, Journalism 7(2): 217–237.
van Doorslaer, Luc (2012) ‘Translating, Narrating and Constructing Images in Journalism with a Test Case on Representation in Flemish TV News’, Meta 57(4): 1046-1059.
Available online:
Banks, John and Mark Deuze (2009) ‘Co-creative Labour’, International Journal of Cultural Studies 12(5): 419–431.
Bolter, Jay David and Richard Grusin (1999) ‘Remediation: Understanding New Media, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Chouliaraki, Lilie (2010) ‘Self-mediation: New media and citizenship’, Critical Discourse Studies, 7(4): 227-232.
Chouliaraki, Lilie (2012) ‘Re-mediation, Inter-mediation, Trans-mediation’, Journalism Studies, 14 (2): 267-283.
Deuze, Mark (2009) ‘Convergence Culture and Media Work’, in J. Holt and A. Perren (eds) Media Industries: History, Theory, and Method, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell,
Dwyer, Tim (2010) Media Convergence, Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Jarvis, Jeff (2007) ‘Networked Journalism’, networked-journalism, date accessed 15 November 201e.
Jenkins, Henry (2004) ‘The cultural logic of media convergence’, International Journal of Cultural Studies 7(1): 33–43.
Jenkins, Henry (2008) Convergence Culture (updated edition), New York: New York University Press.
Jensen, Klaus Bruhn (2010) Media Convergence, London: Routledge.
McNair, Brian (2006) Cultural Chaos: Journalism, News and Power in a Globalised World, London & New York: Routledge.
Meikle, Graham and SHerman Young (2012) Media Convergence. Networked Digital Media in Everyday Life, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Murdock, Graham (2000) ‘Digital Futures: European Television in the Age of Convergence’, in Jan Wieten, Graham Murdock and Peter Dahlgren (eds) Television Across
Europe, London: Sage, 35.57.
Turner, Graeme (2010) Ordinary People and the Media: The Demotic Turn, London.

Denison, Rayna (2011). ‘Anime Fandom and the Liminal Spaces between Fan Creativity and Piracy’, International Journal of Cultural Studies 14(5): 449-466.
Pérez-González, Luis (2012) ‘Amateur Subtitling and the Pragmatics of Spectatorial Subjectivity’, Language and Intercultural Communication 12(4): 335-352.
Pérez-González, Luis (2013) ‘Amateur Subtitling as Immaterial Labour in Digital Media Culture: An Emerging Paradigm of Civic Engagement’, Convergence: The
International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 19(2) 157-175

2:Lily’s Place Rotation

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write about experience to Lily’s place. Lily’s place
is the first Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Center in the United States. Lily’s place strive to make these neonates as comfortable as possible while going through
the weaning process.

1) Describe the nursing responsibilities in caring for the pediatric client with drug dependence/withdrawal.
2) Perform an assessment on two different clients.
3) Explain the physiologic process, common medical treatment, and principles of nursing management for children with drug dependence/withdrawal.
4) Identify the ethical nursing dilemmas encountered in the care of the patient population.
5) Describe how you interact with patient family members and provide teaching.

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