Pioneers analysis

Select two pioneers from the following list and in one paragraph (total) discuss the following:

Summarize how each figure responded to the social/political climate and relevant issues of the day, and how their choreography embodied these ideas. You will need to do additional research to look at the full historical context of the dance figures you select. Be specific in your examples. Cite readings and/or videos to back up your observations. Select one dance work by each figure (either from this module or from additional research) and discuss what you see. For example, how does the movement, theme, or production communicate the idea or vision of the choreographer? Remember to reference movement examples and text examples, citing timestamps and page numbers, titles, etc.
Ruth St. Denis
Isadora Duncan
Martha Graham
Katherine Dunham
Pearl Primus
Doris Humphrey
Anna Sokolow
Lester Horton
Ted Shawn
Alvin Ailey
Jose Limon

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