Civil Disobedience

I hope you are doing good. As you can see on the Prompt Paper the Professor mention to write a Essay related to “Civil Disobedience, Wealth and Poverty, The Human Mind.” I want you to write something related to the Civil Disobedience. Just four your understanding our professor relate this topic with the well-known essay “Civil Disobedience” written by David Thoreau. Reading it would give your the proper idea what exactly I expect from you. I also will provide a PDF of David Thoreau essay. It would be great to use some strong Thesis related to our nowadays problems:

  1. Corona Lockdown regulations: Was is it unnecessary and too much?
  2. Society has to be more tolarant and accept more Adversity ( sexuality, Religious, Political background, Race)

if you have any other strong thesis to add, feel free 🙂 but please make sure to include this two ‘thesis’ to the essay. Once Again, please take care of all important informations written on the prompt letter.

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