Select the response that best describes the frequency of your behavior. This Self-Assessment is easiest to complete online.
A = almost always
U = usually
F = frequently
O = occasionally
S = seldom
__U__ 1. To encourage others to talk, I show interest, ask them questions about themselves, and smile and nod.
__F__ 2. I pay closer attention to people who are similar to me than to those who are different from me.
__S__ 3. I evaluate people’s words and nonverbal signals as they talk.
_F___ 4. I avoid distractions; if it’s noisy, I suggest moving to a quiet spot.
_U___ 5. If people interrupt me when I’m doing something, I put what I was doing out of my mind and give them my complete attention.
__F__ 6. When people are talking, I allow them time to finish. I don’t interrupt them, anticipate what they’re going to say, or jump to conclusions.
__S__ 7. I tune out people who don’t agree with me.
_S___ 8. My mind wanders to personal topics when someone else is talking or when professors are lecturing.
__S__ 9. I pay close attention to nonverbal signals to help me fully understand what the other person is really saying.
___S_ 10. When the topic is difficult, I tune out and just pretend I understand.
__F__ 11. When the other person is talking, I think about what I’m going to say in reply.
___F_ 12. When I think something is missing or contradictory in a discussion, I ask questions to get the person to explain her ideas more fully.
___F_ 13. I let the other person know when I don’t understand something.
___F_ 14. When listening to other people, I try to put myself in their place and see things from their perspective.
___S 15. When someone gives me information or instructions, I repeat them in my own words and ask the sender whether I’m correct.
Have some of your friends fill out this assessment, giving their impressions of your listening habits.
Scoring. For statements 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, and 15, give 5 points for an A answer;
4 for U;
3 for F;
2 for O;
1 for S.
For items 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, and 11, the score reverses: 5 points for S;
4 for O;
3 for F;
2 for U;
1 for A.
Place these scores on the lines next to your responses and add them to get your total. Your score should be between 15 and 75. Place your score on the following continuum.
Poor Listener Good Listener
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75