A crisis in the community




The crises you select may be crises you personally experienced, learned about through this course, or heard about on the news, past or present. The crisis should be discussed from an academic lens and written in scholarly voice.

Then, for each crisis, complete the following:

Describe the crisis, including: the event/situation, implications, responders, victims, survivors, and perpetrators.
Describe the forms of critical incident assessment you might use.
Explain the potential short-term and long-term effects that might be experienced by the people impacted by the crisis.
Describe the particular competencies you would need to work with people impacted by the crisis.
Explain the anticipated outcomes for immediate, short-term, and long-term interventions used.
Explain the cultural, ethical, and legal implications that need to be considered.
Explain potential vicarious trauma and countertransference that might occur between you and the people you might treat from this crisis.



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