Advertisements and How We (can) Interpret Them (WLAC

Find 2 photo advertisements (posters, magazine ads, Instagram ads, etc.)
or 1 commercial. Try and find ads for things that you’re interested in, or at least
interested in talking about/against. Also, if using 2 photo ads, it’s usually best to use
similar types for comparison.
Introduce me to your project and subject, explain the relationship between semiotics
and advertising, and introduce me to the commercial or ads that you’re planning to
Describe what semiotics are
What are the focal points of semiotics, and how can we use these techniques
and conclusions to (try to) make sense of the world around us?
Then, conduct a semiotic analysis of your chosen advertisement(s)
Analyze: describe and actively examine your chosen Ad(s) to determine the meaning of
its/their signs and symbols. Use the semiotic approaches from our textbook to guide in
this analysis:
Kind of Image

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