An Investigation on impacts of COVID-19 in global supply chain.



a. Aim of the study (i.e. what we hope to achieve by the end of the research) – 200 words
b. Objectives of the study (i.e. what need to do in order to satisfy the Aim) – 200 words (there should normally
be at least 3 or 4 objectives and these should be SMART)
c. The Rationale for the study (i.e. why the research needs to be undertaken) – 500 Words – (both theoretical
and organizational)
d. A brief Literature Review. (Approximately 1500-2000 words) with a minimum of 6 key publications should be
cited. (Critically evaluate recent and relevant research that has addressed similar issues to those covered in
our objectives)
e. A concise outline of Research Methodology, including justification for choices in terms of Research Strategy
and Research Design. (For example: Is the research applied (specific or general) or theoretical? Is the
research completely new, a new application of existing research, a new insight into existing research, or a
meta-analysis? What academic disciplines are involved? Is it qualitative, quantitative, or both? Is it multi
method, mono method, or mixed method? What data will you collect? How will you collect it? When do you
intend to collect it? Where do you intend to collect it and from whom?)
f. A Project Plan showing the major activities you need to undertake to hand your dissertation on time.
In order to support you with development of proposal preparation, please find the justification which I submitted
to the University for the Selection of this particular topic and strategic importance to the same as follows.
Investigate the COVID-19 impacts on the Global Supply Chain and propose a set of insights to mitigate their
risks and enhance their resilience in industrial sectors.
COVID-19 has widely impacted everyday lives, including various industries. Hence, I assume this topic will
enlighten the industry leaders to set tools and techniques for enhancing their resilience within supply chain



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