Argument Essay

Write an argument essay using one of the topics listed below. Your essay must be typed, two to three (2 to 3) pages long, double-spaced in 12-pt Times New Roman font. Your essay must also include a title and page numbers. Your top, bottom, left, and right margins should be exactly 1 inch. Your thesis statement must be highlighted. Please put your name, the instructor’s name, the course, and the date in the top left hand corner of your paper. You must cite at least three sources in your paper and you must also include a works cited page in MLA format. The sources that you use may include the readings from weeks ten, eleven, and twelve, but you are also expected to use sources that are available to you in the research databases through the JSU library. Below you will find the essay prompts as well as a sample thesis statement. Please use this sample and the notes and thesis statement development as your guide when completing this assignment. Your essay is due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, November 6, 2020.

Essay Prompt #1
Most African Americans generally support democratic candidates in major elections; therefore, it is assumed that most African Americans support liberal democratic ideology. Is this a valid assumption? Do you consider most African Americans to be liberal or conservative? Please include citations from valid sources to support your argument.

Essay Prompt #2
During the course of this semester, we have discussed how our image and identities can be strongly influenced by labels and stereotypes. We have learned about the various mainstream stereotypes concerning African Americans such as the Jezebel, the Sapphire, and the Black Brute. We have also discussed how these stereotypes have been to some degree embraced and perpetuated by the African American race; a fact that is clearly demonstrated by the current trend of rap/hip-hop music. From 2008 until 2016, this country had an African American president and during that time there was an African American family living in the White House. In a detailed essay discuss how the Obamas have impacted the African American identity. Have they changed how we are viewed by mainstream America? Have President Obama and his family changed how African Americans view and identify themselves. Did having an African American family in the White House change how we are depicted in the media and even in the music (hip hop)? Please be sure to include valid citations to support your argument.
Essay Prompt #3
Black Entertainment Television, or BET, is a very popular network among African American youth and young adults. Rather than including more substantive programming, most of the network’s programs focus on music videos and other aspects of the entertainment industry. Critics of the network argue that BET has helped to promote racist stereotypes about Blacks (such as sexual promiscuity and violence) and encourages a kind of “Anti-Intellectualism” among African American youth. These detractors believe that BET has neglected its responsibility to the Black community in its effort to achieve and maintain financial success. Do you agree or disagree with these critics? Has BET neglected its responsibility to the Black community, particularly Black youth, by its promotion and perpetuation of negative, racist stereotypes? In an essay, please defend your position and include citations from at least three valid sources to support your claim.

Sample Thesis Statement for Prompt #2

Even though the Obamas have served as affirming and empowering role models for the country, the continued perpetuation of racist myths about black people, the negative portrayal of the black family, and the constant demonstration of ignorance by blacks that are displayed in mainstream news, music, television, and social media confirm that the Obamas’ positive image has done very little to change the nation’s stereotypical perception of blacks.

Limited Subject: Obamas affirming and empowering role models

Precise Opinion: the Obamas’ positive image has done very little to change the nation’s stereotypical perception of blacks.

Blueprint: the continued perpetuation of racist myths about black people, the negative

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