Art History Essay

  1. You have been asked to give a lecture to college students about the art of the Italian High Renaissance. However, you can only use one (1) visual example to illustrate your lecture, and must choose it from the following art works (Leonardo, The Last Supper, Michelangelo, David, and Raphael, The School of Athens Which one artwork would you choose? How does the artwork you chose best reflect the artists ideas and style of the new art of the 16th century Renaissance (be sure to discuss what those ideas and styles are) How does the work reflect (or not reflect) the new influence of the arts of the ancient classical world? How does the work best reflect the philosophical belief of humanism (first define the term, then discuss how specifically your artwork expresses it). 2. You are the Pope during the counter reformation in the 17th century. The catholic church is under attack by the Protestant reform movement, and you wish to commission an artist to make a powerful work of art to glorify the church and inspire your congregation’s faith. You set up a contest, and two well-known artists will eventually submit their work. Gemini submits the sculpture, The Ecstasy of St. Teresa and Caravaggio submits the painting, The Conversion of St. Paul. State in a letter to the artist what the guidelines are for the commission: i.e. explain exactly what artistic and religious goals you expect the artist to fulfill to help the cause of the Counter reformation. Be sure to explain what that cause is (why are you, the Pope, so threatened and worried by the Reformation?) and how you think the artists can help you? Which artist’s work would you choose? Explain why you think the artist’s artwork you chose would be the most succesful and effective in visually fulfilling the goals you defined in the original letter. Why did you choose that one over the other artist? 3. You are a 17th century Italian art dealer who has recently moved to the city of Amsterdam, Holland to start an art gallery. Wanting to be successful, and exhibit the kind of artworks that the Dutch will buy, you hire a Dutch business manager to teach you about the artistic taste in this new country. What will your business manager tell you when you ask him the following questions: How is Dutch society (and religion) diferent from the Italians? How does the Dutch art market and patronage operate differently from the Italians? Activate Window:s How is it that so many women artists are highly esteemed and sought after (as an Italian are.vou surprised by this?) tb semnos to ac, Finally choose 4 artworks of the 17th century period to buy and exhibit, briefly explaining for earb’onesthiLuathuaiale–. Dutch buyers will find them appealing and desirable to own? (Include name and origins of eaci
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