Asian American History

Raya and the Dragon (2021) was the first SE Asian Princess in Disney’s lineup. She represented many things to many people such as the first SE Asian Princess or the first LGQ+ princess?Who are the SE Asian Story Trust and how did they come to make this story? Is Raya a LGBTQ+ figure or is that just an actress saying that? How did they come up with the story?

Answer: What does Raya represent in light of the history of marginalization of Asian American female actresses (see Anna May Wong actress forced roles “Dragon Lady “ or “Geisha Girl”, or “ Lotus Blossom). Is she an improvement or does she have the same tropes?

Address Topic A, B, C following in the paper and answer if these are an “authentic” representation of SE Asian culture:

Topic A: Weather, Architecture of Buildings, 5 lands, clothes, food/drink, music (sounds), religion (spirits), SE Asian Story Trust


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