“Basics of the U.S. Health Care



System, Fourth Edition Nancy J Niles” for the chapter and page
You are thinking about going to school to become a mental health professional. However, you have heard that mental health professionals face liability
issues and complaints–but you are unsure why.
Write 5 page paper -the content does NOT include (pages 1 or 7):
Page 1- Cover and Title page
Pages 2 through 5: Include information- using our text and the internet include information on why the mental health profession is important and using this
text and the Internet to find reasons why mental health professionals are at high risk for complaints. NEXT
Page 6: Perform a SWOT Analysis- using a SWOT DIAGRAM illustrating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats regarding becoming a mental
health professional. (MLO1-03) DUE: Day 7
Page 7: Hanging Reference list include 3 peer reviewed sources– DUE: Day 7
Special Instructions:
Assistance on performing a SWOT:
SWOT Analysis – What is SWOT? Definition, Examples and How to Do a SWOT Analysishttps://youtu.be/JXXHqM6RzZQ

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