Book review

Book title “spirit catches you and you fall down”
Includes necessary information about the book’s background (author, etc.)
Draws in the reader with a “hook”– a line that catches your audience’s attention and piques their interest to
continue reading your review
Describes the book’s value.
Content of Body
Addresses the main themes/arguments in the book
Evidence and examples (including quotations) are
detailed, accurate, and appropriate
Includes discussion of narration, sources, theory,
strengths, weaknesses, etc.
Analysis demonstrates critical thinking and insight
01 3 5 7 9111315
Paragraphs have well-conceived topic sentences and ideas flow in a logical sequence with clear transitions.
Pacing is appropriate and the narrative has structure
Sentence structures are varied and language is
precise, with no run-on sentences or fragments.
0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
Includes thorough assessment of the book’s
usefulness – the significance of this work to the health
profession including public health
Completed in a thoughtful and reflective manner;
quality effort is evident.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Use active voice wherever possible;
Uses a professional tone and sophisticated language;
Very minimal problems with punctuation – No
spelling or capital

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