Business Ethics

Ethics Paradigms, RESOLVEDD method, PPT in week’s assignment folder. Business Ethics Chapters 3 and 4 in textbook.

Alternated Assignment Week 3 – Due June 9
Part A. Several examples of laws resulting in changes in business and in society’s ethical norms. Provide three examples and explain how each has changed societal ethics norms.
Part B.
In class we discussed the narrative from Week 1 where as a manager you are required to reduce staff immediately by one.

• Bob – New Hire – Promises made when hired that he would be training as your backup. After six months his performance is considered average, but he has potential.
• Sue – Seniority – She has been with the company ten years. Her performance is consistent (plateaued), but average. She is also a single parent.
• Ed – Has been with the company for three years and is your top performer (twice the productivity of Bob or Sue. However, the rumor going around the office is that Ed has just received a large inheritance from a rich uncle.

  1. Identify the ethical dilemma faced for each one when considering termination.
  2. Under which paradigm would you most likely be operating under if you terminated Sue? Or Bob? Or Ed?
    Part C. Wikipedia defines culture war: “Culture war is the cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices.[1] It commonly refers to the hot button topics on which there is general societal disagreement and polarization in societal values is seen. The term is commonly used to describe contemporary politics in the United States, with issues such as abortion, homosexuality, pornography, multiculturalism, and other cultural conflicts based on (ethical) values, morality, and lifestyle…”.
  3. Research the Internet on a topic that qualifies as part of the “culture” war.
  4. Describe the positions taken by advocates for the different sides.
  5. Which of the ethical paradigms does each side derive its ethical (and moral) justification (deontological, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, emotivism). Explain.
    Part D. Select any case from your textbook and conduct the RESOLVEDD method of decision making. Include several alternative actions and justify the action that you selected. Include the ethical paradigm that you used to solve the ethical dilemma.

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