Case Study: Micro to Mezzo (Agency) Advocacy


Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following:
Research the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program.
Identify one economic and one political factor or force that influenced and shaped the SNAP program.
How has the implementation of the SNAP program been successful? Unsuccessful?
What, if anything, about the SNAP program do you feel needs to be changed? Why?
How does the SNAP program reflect liberal values? How does it represent conservative values?
Social workers are often asked to confront difficult policy issues with far fewer resources (such as time) at their disposal than they would like.
How can agency organizational policies set the scope and limits of practice?
How can Carrie (the social worker in the case study) meet her ethical responsibilities to the broader society through her policy advocacy work while still meeting her obligations to the agency? How would you balance these dual responsibilities?
Social workers engaged in policy practice frequently begin their work on a problem or issue at one level in one setting, but find that to achieve their goals, they must move from level to level and setting to setting. How can Carrie overcome the roadblocks she faces in her advocacy work at the agency level?
What will motivate you to commit time and energy to influence policy even though you may encounter roadblocks or barriers similar to those that Carrie faces

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