Pick two misconceptions that people have about marketing and provide specific examples from your own experience with firms and brands. Why is it important for […]
The 4Ps of marketing
What are the 4Ps of marketing? Give an example of how each is applied at your organization?
Big M and little m marketing.
Define Big M and little m marketing. What would be the likely negative outcome if a marketing plan focuses on strategy while overlooking tactics? Contrarily, […]
The effect of a focus on sustainability on the marketing manager’s role
How does a focus on sustainability affect the marketing manager’s role and activities? Identify two organizations that you believe do a good job of […]
Total compensation (pay mix).
Identify the parts that make up total compensation (pay mix). Explain the percentage breakdown for direct and indirect compensation, which makes up total compensation. […]
Why do marketers need to care about social media
Super Bowl Ads
A. Why do marketers care about the Super Bowl? The Super Bowl is always one of if not the most watched television event of the year. Marketing is definitely […]
Brand Product Lines and Mix
Refer to Chapter 10, Learning Outcome 3: Product Items, Lines, and Mixes in our MKTG textbao—fr• Specifically study Exhibit 10.1: Campbell’s Product Lines and Product Mix. Notice how the Campbell’s […]
Marketers need to care about social media
A. Why do marketers need to care about social media? Do a web search (Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, etc.) about “social media marketing,” social network marketing,” “social media,” “social […]
Social Media Campaigns
Project Descriiption: Social media is the most powerful form of digital persuasion. From a distance, some people view it as mindless scrolling, but engaged consumers use platforms like Instagram, Facebook […]