Marketers need to care about social media


A. Why do marketers need to care about social media?
Do a web search (Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, etc.) about “social media marketing,” social network marketing,” “social media,” “social networking.” Find two articles that address why social media is an important part of marketing. Make sure they are no older than 2018 to help make sure the content is relatively current. Write a brief summary of the main points or purpose of the article. Should be at least 200 words for each of these articles. Be sure to properly cite your sources according to APA guidelines.
B. What social media do you use?
List all social media/social networks that you use or are a member of. I expect at least three networks. For each network, define whether you are (approximately):
1. Very active member utilizing it at least once every day or two 2. Active member utilizing it at least once a week 3. Semi-active member utilizing it every two weeks or so 4. Occasional member utilizing it once a month or so 5. Infrequent member utilizing it a handful of times per year 6. Inactive member: used to use it more frequently but have “abandoned” it for whatever reason
Do you notice advertising on these sites? If so, do you care that they are using this platform to try to market to you? Do you ever click on the ads you may see? Why or why not?
Some of the most popular networks to jog your memory include: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, linkedln, YouTube. Snapchat, Pinterest, Peddit, XboxLive, Playstation Network, Whisper, Flickr, MySpace, FourSquare, TripAdvisor, yelp. deviantART, Etsy, Epinions, BeReal, Epicurious, StumbleUpon, Dig& and a plethora of others on just about every topic imaginable.




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