In competitive and professional sports, should participants be grouped according to biological sex or gender identity? Is it ever necessary for sports to categorize participants based on sex and […]
Youth Engagement in Sports
Discuss about Youth Engagement in Sports: Collaboration to Improve Adolescent Physical Activity and Nutrition
Personal moral/ethical position with regard to sport or exercise.
Please write A case study where students define a personal moral/ethical position with regard to sport or exercise. Students should find an article in the popular press, briefly summarize […]
United Talent Agency (UTA) sports and entertainment agents
Company is United Talent Agency (UTA) sports and entertainment agents Problem/Need Statement Based on Your Client’s Project – write up a one-page problem/ need statement based on your client’s […]
Athletic setting
For the first professional site summary you review TWO different athletic facilities. Please select organizations from two different divisions: professional/semi-professional, Olympic, collegiate Division I, collegiate Division II, or collegiate […]
Spots Statistics
Q1: You are attending a championship soccer match with your family. In your pocket only $40 to spend on Popcorns(S) and Cokes (C), supposed to allocate such amount to maximize […]
Analysis of Blake Sports Apparel and Switch Activewear:
Review the case, Blake Sports Apparel and Switch Activewear: Bringing the Executive Team Together. Consider the criteria for successful teams and the factors needed to ensure teams are structured […]
Sociology Inequality Sport and Body
What does it mean to take a critical approach to the study of sport and bodies? Explain critical/conflict approaches to studying sport. How does a critical approach differ from […]
Women in the Olympic Games
The artifact “running girl” reveals the restrictions women had to endure. What were some of the restrictions for women in Greek athletics? What were women roles in Greek […]
Recreation and Sports Facilities Management
Section A: Short Questions (20 marks) 1. Discuss 5 types of maintenance how to apply on the fitness centre. Section B: Long Questions (Answer ALL questions in this […]