Classroom Management Plan


• Describe how you will implement a behavior management system to maintain an environment where all students can learn effectively [Standard 19 TAC §235.11(e)(5); Teacher Standard 4(C)i].
• Describe how you will maximize instructional time, including managing transitions [Standard 19 TAC §235.11(e)(7); Teacher Standard 4(D)ii] and include specific examples of how students will transition to and from the activity to maximize instructional time [Teacher Standard 4(D)ii].
• Demonstrate knowledge of factors related to the development of executive function and self-regulation skills in young children, including motivation [Test 292 Competency 004(A)] by including specific examples of your strategies for tapping into children’s intrinsic motivation.
• Apply knowledge of the use of schedules, routines, and effective transitions to support children’s emotional development, effectively manage instructional activities, and promote children’s sense of security and independence [Test 292 Competency 005(C)] by including a detailed classroom schedule, with transitions clearly included throughout the day.

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