Communication and Sexuality

It consists of six parts and each part is due on a different day. I was wondering of it was possible for one writer to do all these sections for me, since he will be choosing a TV show to work on. Please read the instructions below and let me know if this is possible!
For your paper, you will be analyzing how sexuality are represented on television You will analyze a minimum of 10 hours of content (e.g., a season of a television show). You will use theories and concepts learned in class to guide your analysis.
Note So I can be as helpful as possible, you must choose a television show that is in English.
You will be completing your paper in stages. You will submit each section of your paper to me. I will grade it and provide written feedback. At the end of the semester, you will put the paper together and submit it as a whole. Then, 1 will grade the entire paper.
Project proposal and outline 3 pages, 75 points —
This assignment will outline your project and explain to me what you plan on writing about. In this assignment, you will explain:
• What media texts you should study (names. episode numbers, etc.) • Why you chose the texts that you did • How you will have access to the texts you want to study (do you own the DVDs? Are the texts on Hulu, Amazon, or Netflix? How .11you get them? You cannot analyze ate. if you do not have access to it) • What you hope to analyze in the texts (relationships, interactions, etc.) and why you decided to analyze it • Why your analysis is important and valuable • A brief summary of the text — characters, plot, setting, when it was released, where it was released (e.g., television network), etc.
Literature Review: 5 pages, 100 points — (this I will request to be finished in 14 days, along with all the other parts of this paper. I would like each part of the paper to be separated in order for me to submit it the right way)
This assignment will explain the theories and concepts you plan to use to guide your analysis. You will select a minimum of two theories or concepts from class materials (e.g., essentialism, constructivism, Communication Theory of Identity, Cass Identity Model, stigma, stereotypes, Schema Theory, Clark’s Stages of Representation, etc.) and use outside academic sources (journal articles and books) to leam more about them. You will need to cite a minimum of eight outside sources (four for each theory/concept). You will use APA style. In this assignment you will include:
• A description and definition of the first theory/concept you will use in your analysis. • An explanation about why the first theory/concept you chose is appropriate for the project. • Material from four academic sources. cited in APA style, (journal articles or books) that help you better understand your first theory/concept beyond what was presented in lecture. • A description and definition of the second theory/concept you will use in your analysis. • An explanation about why the second theory/concept you chose is appropriate for the project. • Material from four academic sources. cited in APA style, (journal articles or books) that help you better understand your second theory/concept beyond what was presented in lecture.
Findings, part 1: 4-5 pages, 150 points,
This assignment will be the first half of your analysis. You should have findings from about half of your texts (about 5 hours of texts). For this assignment, you will apply the two theories/concepts you chose in the Literature Review to analyze your texts. You should cite specific examples from the texts in your analysis. Here are some issues to be thinking about:
• How is the text consistent with the theories/concepts you chose? Give specific examples from your texts. Why do you think the text is consistent with the theories/concepts? • How is the text inconsistent with the theories/concepts you chose? Give specific examples from your texts. Why do you think the text is inconsistent with the theories/concepts? • To what extent does your analysis offer a deeper understanding of the theories/concepts that you chose? • To what extent does your analysis offer a deeper understanding of the text that you chose?
Completed findings: 4-5 pages, 150 points.
This assignment will be the second half of your analysis. You should have findings from about half of your texts (about 5 hours of texts). For this assignment, you will apply the two theories/concepts you chose in the Literature Review to analyze your texts. You should cite specific examples from the texts in your analysis. Here are some issues to be thinking ‘ about: , • How is the text consistent with the theories/concepts you chose? Give specific examples from your texts. Why do you think the text is consistent with the theories/concepts? , • How is the text inconsistent with the theories/concepts you chose? Give specific examples from your texts. Why do you , think the text is inconsistent uvith the theories/concepts? , • To what extent does your analysis offer a deeper understanding of the theories/concepts that you chose? • To what extent does your analysis offer a deeper understanding of the text that you chose?
Conclusion: 2 pages, due with final version of paper —
Conclusion: 2 pages, due with final version of paper —
This section will wrap up your paper. You will need to include: • A brie summary of your findings (just a few sentences) • A discussion of what you have learned, overall, about your texts. • A discussion of what you have learned, overall, about your theories/concepts • A discussion of ideas for future research for your texts and your theories/concepts • Final assessment of the appropriateness of your theories/concepts for your texts (are you happy with your selection? Do you wish you picked something else? If so, what do you wish you had picked?)
Introduction: 1 page, due with final version of paper —
This section will start off your paper. You should use material from your Project Proposal and Outline to help you write it. Include: • The purpose of the project

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