Community is a social unit with commonality


Making a person, place or thing interesting and meaningful is the work of the writer. You noticed this in the example essay on a straw. Therefore, this exercise will be good for you to practice understanding and then writing about a place to describe to the reader a vivid picture. Finally, you’ll explain how it’s important or meaningful by discussing it’s place within the community it belongs to.

is to write a one page profile on any place of your choosing. Use a place you go to this weekend. For example, a friend’s house, church, a cafe, a restaurant, or a public space like a park.
Here is a rough outline of what to include. You could consider these separate paragraphs.
I. Describe the details of the place from the outside and inside. What do you see, hear, feel? Use your best descriptive language.
II. Reflect on your experience interacting and existing in, or near, this place. Did you learn anything from going to this place? Did you grow as a result of going to this place? Did something change as a result of you visiting this place?
III. Explain how this place fits into its community, or how it is important for it’s community. This means you have to learn what community this place fits into.

**Community is a social unit with commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity.

For example, a church would be important for the gathering space it provides the members of the community of the church.

Your house would be important for ________ it provides your family. Also, you want to discuss how it fits into the neighborhood as well.



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