Company Analysis
Give a brief description of the organisation chosen as an example to illustrate your remarks.
Question 1 Explain how Human Resource Management performs a key function in the strategic management of the organisation and contributes to the organisation’s optimum business performance. Answers to question one:. Human Resource Management and Strategic Planning: Optimizing performance. Key words: Organisation strategy and HRM strategy.
Question 2 Explain how Human Resource Management can enable the organisation to achieve its strategic objectives by structuring the organisation through planning, policies, practices and job design. Answer to question two: Human Resource Planning. Discuss global economy, changing demographics Key words: Changing workplaces and changing nature of employment.
Question 3 Explain how the organisation’s philosophies, structures and strategies can be applied in the workplace through appropriate recruitment, and induction programs. Answer to question three. Recruitment and Selection; Discuss recruitment and selection techniques. Key words: Appraisal, interviewing, psychometric testing, induction and recruitment sources
Question 4 Explain how training needs are assessed and developed and how future management potential is identified. Answer to question four: Training and Development. Discuss training objectives and programs, management development programs Key words: assessment centres, identifying management potential.
Question 5 Explain how the performance of an employee can be appraised and evaluated and how performance can be enhanced and managed. Answer to question five: Management of Performance. Discuss performance appraisal and measures of performance. Key words; Performance review, corrective action Final Question Discuss at least one HR workplace issuse that has affected the organisation’s strategic goals and explain how it was addressed and the outcome of any action taken. Answer to final questions. Discuss any significant HRM problem you perceive in your example organisation and explain what changes you would make to address the problem. Conclusion. A summary of the key point and their supporting arguments.