Concept Engagement

Students will create two short Concept Engagements, which can expand on concepts that you have engaged
in your weekly responses (you do not need to use a concept you have already engaged in your weekly
response, but you can). You will engage two concepts from two different readings and explore what each
concept means (in relation to the reading from which it comes) and how the concepts relate to each other
(does one concept build from the other? What ideas does one concept add to the other? Do the two concepts
contradict each other?). Students will be expected to use well-chosen quotations from the text, to properly cite
and integrate the quotation into their discussion/analysis.
In both Concept Engagements, students can choose to submit written work (500-750 words), create a short
video, integrating slides and/or other media (minimum 3 minutes, maximum 5 minutes), or propose another
creative media form (ie. basic website, basic digital game, something else?).

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