Concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change.


We Care is a small non-profit organization that provides food and clothing to those in need. The organization has recently been awarded a $2 million grant that will allow the organization to remain open and active in serving the community. Employees are excited about receiving the grant and Bill, the Director, has organized a dinner Friday night at a barbeque restaurant to celebrate and to thank staff for all of their hard work writing the grant. Bill selected Friday night because he assumed that all employees and their spouses would be available. The restaurant has a limited menu that contains ribs, pulled pork, and bacon. While the main entrance to the restaurant has a wheelchair ramp, the dining area has a set of five stairs without a ramp. The key members of the We Care grant writing team are: Bill Kensington is a 56-year-old white father of two. He has been married to his wife for 25 years and was born and raised in the community. He has been the leader of We Care for the last 12 years and is dedicated to serving the community. In his spare time, he is an active member of a Baptist church and considers himself a man of faith. Needa Khan is a 30-year-old single woman from Pakistan. She works for We Care as a Community Outreach Coordinator and enjoys helping serve others in the community. She immigrated to the United States four years ago and has lived in the community for two years. She has strong ties to t​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​he Muslim community and actively follows tenets of the religion, which includes a diet free of pork products. Derrick Jones, a 42-year-old married African-American man, is a wheelchair-bound veteran. He has been a grant writer for We Care for eight years and is well-respected in the community where he has lived for the past ten years. Lenny Braham is a 48-year-old married man. He has been the Marketing Manager for We Care for the last two years. He and his family observe the Friday night Sabbath in accordance with Jewish customs. On Friday night, Bill arrives at the restaurant and sees several employees. However, Needa, Derrick, and Lenny are not present. Bill is upset that the group that did the most work on the grant is not there to celebrate, but they all have valid reasons. Exercise Using examples from the scenario presented in this graded exercise, write a response to the questions that follow. A quality response will address all of the questions and integrate information from the readings and videos with your own personal experiences. Imagine that you are an employee for We Care and attend the Friday night dinner. You watch the interaction between employees and want to help Bill. How would you explain to him what’s going on? Since the restaurant was not a good choice for this diverse group of employees, what alternative ways for everyone to celebrate and to feel included would you recommend to Bill? What suggestions do you have for planning future events to ensure all employees are comfortable and can enjoy themselves? Describe your personal biases related to the situation in the scenario. Would you have recognized the potential conflicts that Bill missed? What are ways you address and challenge your own personal bias​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​es?


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